Tamworth Community College

Celebrating Adult Education: Troy Waugh's Journey at Tamworth Community College

Troy's educational journey, driven by his determination to learn to read and write, underscores the transformative impact of adult education. Under the guidance of teacher Miles Cantwell, Troy has not only overcome his initial apprehension but has also flourished, significantly improving his reading, writing, and numeracy skills.

The Certificate I course, part of the Foundation Skills Training Package, exemplifies our commitment to individualized learning. It's tailored to meet unique learner needs, fostering not just academic skills but also confidence and problem-solving abilities. Troy's story is a powerful example of this approach in action.

Troy's experience at Tamworth Community College highlights the importance of a supportive and flexible learning environment. It is a compelling reminder of how adult education can open doors to new opportunities and personal growth. His journey doesn't stop here; he's now embarking on his next educational venture - preparing for a white card.

Troy's story aligns with findings from the VET Student Outcomes – Top 100 Courses report, which indicate that most students progress to further study after completing foundation skills courses.

As educators, stories like Troy's reinforce the value of what we do. They remind us that education is a lifelong journey, filled with continuous learning and growth. At Tamworth Community College, we are proud to be part of these transformative journeys and are committed to supporting each student in achieving their goals.


Find out more about Troy's story here: https://education.nsw.gov.au/news/latest-news/side-by-side-its-never-too-late-to-read-and-write

Troy Waugh and Tamworth Community College Trainer Miles Cantwell