Tamworth Community College


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Gain the skills needed to plan, create, produce and finalise spreadsheets using Excel.

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Excel Advanced

Take the next step in MS Excel and boost your productivity at work with this advanced spreadsheet course.

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Excel Spreadsheets

During the course you will gain the skills needed to plan, create, produce and finalise spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel.

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Facebook Business

Find out what Facebook is used for and why it exists.

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Fire Extinguisher

Next Start Date15.08.2024
In this course you will cover the skills and knowledge required to recognise emergencies and to take appropriate action during emergency situations.

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First Aid - Full

Next Start Date21.08.2024
Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response, recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.

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First Aid - Online With Face To Face Assessment

Next Start Date07.08.2024
Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response, recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.

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First Aid - Refresher

Next Start Date21.08.2024
Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response, recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.

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First Aid Refresher - Online With Face To Face Assessment

Next Start Date07.08.2024
Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response, recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines.

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Food Handling Level 1

Next Start Date15.08.2024
This course is a must for those who directly handle food or food contact surfaces such as cutlery, plates and bowls during the course of their daily work activities.

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Food Safety Supervisor & FSS Recertification

Next Start Date23.08.2024
Food laws in NSW require business in the hospitality and retail food service sectors that process or sell food at the retail level, to appoint at least one trained FSS.

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Health & Safety Representative (HSR)

Next Start Date21.08.2024
During this course you will cover the requirements of WHS Legislation including WHS framework, consultation, representation and participation.

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